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Why Us? A Different Approach To Selling


Client Log-in

Whether you are a seller or a landlord, you will be assigned a unique Username and Password to access your own property file via our website providing instant ‘real time’ data at a time when it suits you.

Your online file will provide up to date information on such activities like, viewers feedback, enquiries received, brochures mailed out etc showing total transparency in every activity we carry out on your behalf.

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SMS Text codes & numbers

Each property whether For Sale or Rent will be assigned a unique identity code which will be promoted on all advertising material associated with that property.

Anyone interested in your property can send a text to the short code number and receive an instant text reply of details like size, type, price allowing enquiries to be serviced 24 hours a day.

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Bespoke marketing campaign for each individual property

It is no longer acceptable for agents to simply put a board in the garden and expect someone to buy your house. Sellers expect and deserve more than is currently on offer from the majority of selling agents.

We believe each property must be marketed on the individual strengths to the market sectors it’s most likely to appeal to. There is a buyer for every house and it’s the job of a good selling agent to understand how and where to promote your property to connect with the highest number of potential buyers.

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ when selling houses and our broad experience of marketing and selling new build developments means we can identify, implement and execute an individual sales plan for your house using the same techniques as the large house builders.

We believe that no other agent can or will create a comprehensive marketing campaign to match ours.

Floor Plans

Good photographs are the single most important aspect of preparing a sales brochure when marketing any property however they can only ever tell half of the story.

How many times have you driven past a property with a sale board in the garden and either called the agent for a schedule or checked the details on line to find yourself asking questions like the ones below:

This is of course only a small sample of reasons why every property brought to the market should have an internal floor plan layout drawn up and included in all of your marketing material.

Why do you think all house builders provide floor plans? Not for the sole reason of selling off plan but a floor plan combined with photographs allows potential buyers to connect more with the house and visualise how they might live in it before and after viewing!

Every property on the market with a floor plan to give to buyers has an advantage over those which don’t have one!


How many photographs have you seen in property schedules of a radiator, or a window, or a toilet and wondered why anyone would include them in a brochure to promote a property?

What does this type of photograph tell you about the house for sale?

What does this type of photograph tell you about the person taking them?

Many agents take poor quality photographs that don’t show your property to the best potential for attracting prospective buyers.

All of our photographs are taken using professional camera equipment with wide angle lenses that maximise the field of view and capture a more realistic representation of the subject.

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Website design Miles A.Cruickshank